Pre-school: from Mondays to Fridays 8.00 am until 9.00 am.

After-school: from Mondays to Fridays 3.30pm until 4:30pm

Canteen: from Mondays to Fridays a catering service supplies meals which comply to ASL (national health) standards. In case of allergies, food intolerance or other pathologies, an alternative menu will be provided on presentation of a medical certificate.

Additional Activities: at the beginning of the School ìYear, parents can choose additional extracurricular activities, the cost of which is not included in the regular school fee, such as Psicomotricità and Music Preparation.

- What is Psicomotricità for? The objective of Psicomotricità (the Psychomotor Approach) is to help the development of mobility, social and emotional skills in children, by aiding their personal growth though their main and natural activity: Playing. Through movement and the accompanying development of motor skills, a child increases self-awareness and self-control. This is reflected by an improved ability to pay attention, transit smoothly from one activity to another, cooperate with others, etc.

Psicomotricità stimulates relationships with other children. Within the workshops, children will use different materials such as cloths, ropes, and soft geometrical shapes to help develop imaginative play. They will then act out imagined scenes using these materials (such as travelling with different means of transport, building houses, or pretending to be animals, heroes, princesses, fairies, invincible characters etc.). As children grow older, their play tends to incorporate increasing detail of objects, time, and space. They will develop the use of imaginative play to simulate real life roles, such as pretending to be a mother, father, teacher, firefighter, etc. Children are invited before leaving the workshop to talk about their activity, their imaginative play, or to represent it by drawing, dancing or even singing.

This exercise helps develop their cognitive processes such as logical thought. This activity is carried out in a “magic space”, where the children are free to express their feelings while the teacher observes how they react and intervenes when appropriate.

- Music Preparation: once a week, the children, organized in small groups, are followed by a specialist who, through different methods of musical approach, brings the art of listening to children, of relating through singing and through musical play.

Excursions: guided trips will be arranged during the school year in accordance with the educational curriculum and for which parents will be asked to contribute for transport and eventual entrance fees.

English Summer camp in July: also available for children who do not attend the school. From Mondays to Fridays from 9.00am to 3.30pm. During the month of July, with the possibility of using the catering service, the children will be entertained in English, enjoying the outdoor spaces with the use of the swimming pool, sand-pit and blow-up bouncy castle.