You may speak with staff who will provide you with all the necessary information and enrol your children at Piccola England during Open Day.
Or you may prefer to telephone us for a private appointment with a member of staff and with the headmaster in order to get to know each other and to familiarize yourself with the nature of the cultural and educational aims of the school. Either way, forms fully outlining the terms and conditions will be provided. You can also download the forms below.
08,30 | 13,30 or 16:30 |
8:00 – 8:30 | from 16:30 |
Names of people other than parents who will accompany and collect children must be given in writing to the school and signed by the parents and must include a photocopy of the person’s identity card. Children will not be consigned to any other person. We should also remind you that such persons must not be underage (e.g. siblings).
The annual school calendar at the Piccola England will be established in accordance with the State Regional Calendar.
The Piccola England guarantees a full meal prepared and given in accordance with nutritional requirements outlined and authorized by ASL (National Health) standards. An alternative menu in case of food intolerance or allergies will be provided on receipt of a medical certificate.
Medicines will be given to those children who require them on receipt of a written and signed letter of request from their parents, together with the relative medical prescription.
If a case of pediculosis (head-lice) is discovered by the staff of Piccola England, the child involved must be collected from school as soon as possible. The child may return to school only after treatments have been administrated at home for at least 24 hours. All other Parents, as well, are required to follow necessary procedures at this time in prevention for further cases of pediculosis.
In case of evident disease symptoms as heavy cold, persistent cough, diarrhea, fever, and so on, we kindly ask you to keep the children at home to avoid infecting both the school staff and the other children.
Parents will be asked, from time to time, to authorize school trips and to contribute to transport and eventual entrance fees.
Parents are kindly requested to buy the “school uniform” for their children and to bring as indicated by teacher.